10th of April – Sunday 

Attended the 10:30AM mass in the Town proper of Changhua.  

My fellow Filipinos hurriedly move out after the mass for their awaited Sunday off.

 Encountered a sudden downpour in the afternoon while we are having lunch at the nearby steak house. Patiently waited to subside the rain and see the nearest Family Mart to withdraw and buy a raincoat as well. 

My friend opted this see-through umbrella over the raincoat. She says it’s cute.

…i mean the umbrella.

Some stores are closed while walking along the market street near the church. Not because of the rain, but they normally open late afternoon.

 That’s the norm of life here in my city. People just stayed home all day and go out at dark. 

Spring /Summer Clothes

 We walked. And walked….

There is a strict rule about wearing helmet here. If they caught you not wearing one it will cost you a lot.

Inside NET Store. Confucius temple on the mirror reflection. I will see it again and try to write something about it. 

NET is a local brand of clothes for everyone. Nice and cheap.

Nice car!  

 Every boys favorite.  

9th of April – Shoes

Outdoor, Summer Heat already feels this early April. The cool soporific weather of spring passed too fast. Nothing very much to do today. I opted to rest and clean my room. Stock up all the winter jackets and things. Do a little laundry & segregate stuffs. Cleaning my shoes while enjoying my time alone (my roommate’s out) streaming music online.

Look at this : 

My basics from a japanese brand Muji.


A closer look. So nice & clean.
The bruttaly beat Sanuks.

A must.

8th of April – Carrefour-Ever

The humdrum of my daily life in the office sometimes coincides with my life after it. A Friday night offers a limited selection. I’m quite off from the city where “life” to end a week predominantly exist. A chance to celebrate for weathering the week is to have a stroll in the closest and only grocery store in my county. 


On my way to forever.
My forever.

Bye Forever.
See you again, forever.